Package 'bang'

Title: Bayesian Analysis, No Gibbs
Description: Provides functions for the Bayesian analysis of some simple commonly-used models, without using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods such as Gibbs sampling. The 'rust' package <> is used to simulate a random sample from the required posterior distribution, using the generalized ratio-of-uniforms method. See Wakefield, Gelfand and Smith (1991) <DOI:10.1007/BF01889987> for details. At the moment three conjugate hierarchical models are available: beta-binomial, gamma-Poisson and a 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Authors: Paul J. Northrop [aut, cre, cph], Benjamin D. Hall [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Built: 2025-02-06 11:23:31 UTC

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bang: Bayesian Analysis, No Gibbs


Performs Bayesian analyses using some simple commonly-used models. The multivariate generalized ratio-of-uniforms method is used to simulate random samples from the required posterior distribution. The user can either choose hyperparameter values of a default prior distribution or specify their own prior distribution.


Currently three conjugate hierarchical models are available: beta-binomial, gamma-Poisson and 1-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The function hef produces random posterior samples from for the beta-binomial and gamma-Poisson models. The function hanova1 does this for the 1-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The rust package is used to produce these samples.

See vignette("bang-a-vignette", package = "bang") for a brief introduction to the package and vignette("bang-b-hef-vignette", package = "bang") and vignette("bang-c-anova-vignette", package = "bang") for illustrations of the use of the hef and hanova1 functions.


Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop [email protected] [copyright holder]



Northrop, P. J. (2017). rust: Ratio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation. R package version 1.2.3.

See Also

hef for hierarchical exponential family models.

hanova1 for hierarchical one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

set_user_prior to set a user-defined prior.

Coagulation time data


Coagulation time in seconds for blood drawn from 24 animals randomly allocated to four different diets from Box, Hunter, and Hunter (1978). The data frame coagulation has 24 rows and 2 columns. Each row relates to a different animal. Column 1 contains the coagulation times. Column 2 contains a label for the type of diet: one of A, B, C or D.




A data frame with 24 rows and 2 columns.


Table 11.2 of Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S. Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A. and Rubin, D. B. (2014) Bayesian Data Analysis. Chapman & Hall / CRC.


Box, G. E. P., Hunter, W. G., and Hunter, J. S. (1978). Statistics for Experimenters. New York: Wiley.

Posterior sampling for a 1-way hierarchical ANOVA


Produces random samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters of a 1-way hierarchical ANOVA model.


  n = 1000,
  prior = "default",
  hpars = NULL,
  param = c("trans", "original"),
  init = NULL,
  mu0 = 0,
  sigma0 = Inf,
  nrep = NULL



A numeric scalar. The size of posterior sample required.


A numeric vector. Response values.


A vector of class factor indicating the group from which the corresponding element of resp originates. Must have the same length as resp.


Optional further arguments to be passed to ru.


The log-prior for the parameters of the hyperprior distribution. If the user wishes to specify their own prior then prior must be an object returned from a call to set_user_prior. Otherwise, prior is a character scalar giving the name of the required in-built prior. If prior is not supplied then a default prior is used. See Details.


A numeric vector. Used to set parameters (if any) in an in-built prior. If prior = cauchy then hpars is a numeric vector of length 2 giving the respective scale parameters of the half-Cauchy priors for σα\sigma_\alpha and σ\sigma.


A character scalar. If param = "trans" (the default) then the marginal posterior of hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi is reparameterized in terms of logσα,logσlog \sigma_\alpha, log \sigma. If param = "original" the original parameterization, i.e. σα,σ\sigma_\alpha, \sigma is used. The former tends to make the optimizations involved in the ratio-of-uniforms algorithm more stable and to increase the probability of acceptance, but at the expense of slower function evaluations.


A numeric vector. Optional initial estimates sent to ru in the search for the mode of the posterior density of (perhaps a subset of) the hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi. If an in-built prior is used then ru is used to sample from the marginal posterior density of (σα,σ)(\sigma_\alpha, \sigma), so init must have length 2. Otherwise, init has length equal to the argument anova_d supplied to set_user_prior.

mu0, sigma0

A numeric scalar. Mean and standard deviation of a normal prior for μ\mu. Only used if an in-built prior is used or if anova_d = 2 is supplied in a call to set_user_prior to set a user-defined prior. The default, sigma0 = Inf, sets an improper uniform prior for μ\mu.


A numeric scalar. If nrep is not NULL then nrep gives the number of replications of the original dataset simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. Each replication is based on one of the samples from the posterior distribution. Therefore, nrep must not be greater than n. In that event nrep is set equal to n.


Consider II independent experiments in which the nini responses yyii from experiment/group ii are normally distributed with mean θi\theta i and standard deviation σ\sigma. The population parameters θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaII are modelled as random samples from a normal distribution with mean μ\mu and standard deviation σα\sigma_\alpha. Let ϕ=(μ,σα,σ)\phi = (\mu, \sigma_\alpha, \sigma). Conditionally on θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaII, yy1, ..., yyII are independent of each other and are independent of ϕ\phi. A hyperprior is placed on ϕ\phi. The user can either choose parameter values of a default hyperprior or specify their own hyperprior using set_user_prior.

The ru function in the rust package is used to draw a random sample from the marginal posterior of the hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi. Then, conditional on these values, population parameters are sampled directly from the conditional posterior density of θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaII given ϕ\phi and the data. See the vignette("bang-c-anova-vignette", package = "bang") for details.

The following priors are specified up to proportionality.


prior = "bda" (the default): π(μ,σα,σ)=1/σ,\pi(\mu, \sigma_\alpha, \sigma) = 1/\sigma, that is, a uniform prior for (μ,σα,logσ)(\mu, \sigma_\alpha, log \sigma), for σα>0\sigma_\alpha > 0 and σ>0\sigma > 0. The data must contain at least 3 groups, that is, fac must have at least 3 levels, for a proper posterior density to be obtained. [See Sections 5.7 and 11.6 of Gelman et al. (2014).]

prior = "unif": π(μ,σα,σ)=1,\pi(\mu, \sigma_\alpha, \sigma) = 1, that is, a uniform prior for (μ,σα,σ)(\mu, \sigma_\alpha, \sigma), for σα>0\sigma_\alpha > 0 and σ>0\sigma > 0. [See Section 11.6 of Gelman et al. (2014).]

prior = "cauchy": independent half-Cauchy priors for σα\sigma_\alpha and σ\sigma with respective scale parameters AαA_\alpha and AA, that is, π(σα,σ)=1/[(1+σα2/Aα2)(1+σ2/A2)].\pi(\sigma_\alpha, \sigma) = 1 / [(1 + \sigma_\alpha^2 / A_\alpha^2) (1 + \sigma^2 / A^2)]. [See Gelman (2006).] The scale parameters (AαA_\alpha, AA) are specified using hpars = (AαA_\alpha, AA). The default setting is hpars = c(10, 10).

Parameterizations for sampling:

param = "original" is (μ,σα,σ\mu, \sigma_\alpha, \sigma), param = "trans" (the default) is ϕ1=μ,ϕ2=logσα,ϕ3=logσ\phi1 = \mu, \phi2 = log \sigma_\alpha, \phi3 = log \sigma.


An object (list) of class "hef", which has the same structure as an object of class "ru" returned from ru. In particular, the columns of the n-row matrix sim_vals contain the simulated values of ϕ\phi. In addition this list contains the arguments model, resp, fac and prior detailed above and an n by II matrix theta_sim_vals: column ii contains the simulated values of θ\thetaii. Also included are data = cbind(resp, fac) and summary_stats a list containing: the number of groups I; the numbers of responses each group ni; the total number of observations; the sample mean response in each group; the sum of squared deviations from the group means s; the arguments to hanova1 mu0 and sigma0; call: the matched call to hanova1.


Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S. Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A. and Rubin, D. B. (2014) Bayesian Data Analysis. Chapman & Hall / CRC.

Gelman, A. (2006) Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models. Bayesian Analysis, 1(3), 515-533. doi:10.1214/06-BA117A.

See Also

The ru function in the rust package for details of the arguments that can be passed to ru via hanova1.

hef for hierarchical exponential family models.

set_user_prior to set a user-defined prior.


# ======= Late 21st Century Global Temperature Data =======

# Extract data for RCP2.6
RCP26_2 <- temp2[temp2$RCP == "rcp26", ]

# Sample from the posterior under the default `noninformative' flat prior
# for (mu, sigma_alpha, log(sigma)).  Ratio-of-uniforms is used to sample
# from the marginal posterior for (log(sigma_alpha), log(sigma)).
temp_res <- hanova1(resp = RCP26_2[, 1], fac = RCP26_2[, 2])

# Plot of sampled values of (sigma_alpha, sigma)
plot(temp_res, params = "ru")

# Plot of sampled values of (log(sigma_alpha), log(sigma))
# (centred at (0,0))
plot(temp_res, ru_scale = TRUE)

# Plot of sampled values of (mu, sigma_alpha, sigma)

# Estimated marginal posterior densities of the mean for each GCM
plot(temp_res, params = "pop", which_pop = "all", one_plot = TRUE)

# Posterior sample quantiles
probs <- c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) / 100
round(t(apply(temp_res$sim_vals, 2, quantile, probs = probs)), 2)

# Ratio-of-uniforms information and posterior sample summaries

# ======= Coagulation time data, from Table 11.2 Gelman et al (2014) =======

# With only 4 groups the posterior for sigma_alpha has a heavy right tail if
# the default `noninformative' flat prior for (mu, sigma_alpha, log(sigma))
# is used.  If we try to sample from the marginal posterior for
# (sigma_alpha, sigma) using the default generalized ratio-of-uniforms
# runing parameter value r = 1/2 then the acceptance region is not bounded.

# Two remedies: reparameterize the posterior and/or increase the value of r.

# (log(sigma_alpha), log(sigma)) parameterization, ru parameter r = 1/2
coag1 <- hanova1(resp = coagulation[, 1], fac = coagulation[, 2])

# (sigma_alpha, sigma) parameterization, ru parameter r = 1
coag2 <- hanova1(resp = coagulation[, 1], fac = coagulation[, 2],
               param = "original", r = 1)

# Values to compare to those in Table 11.3 of Gelman et al (2014)
all1 <- cbind(coag1$theta_sim_vals, coag1$sim_vals)
all2 <- cbind(coag2$theta_sim_vals, coag2$sim_vals)
round(t(apply(all1, 2, quantile, probs = probs)), 1)
round(t(apply(all2, 2, quantile, probs = probs)), 1)

# Pairwise plots of posterior samples from the group means
plot(coag1, which_pop = "all", plot_type = "pairs")

# Independent half-Cauchy priors for sigma_alpha and sigma
coag3 <- hanova1(resp = coagulation[, 1], fac = coagulation[, 2],
                 param = "original", prior = "cauchy", hpars = c(10, 1e6))

Hierarchical Exponential Family Model


Produces random samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters of certain hierarchical exponential family models.


  n = 1000,
  model = c("beta_binom", "gamma_pois"),
  prior = "default",
  hpars = NULL,
  param = c("trans", "original"),
  init = NULL,
  nrep = NULL



An integer scalar. The size of the posterior sample required.


A character string. Abbreviated name for the response-population distribution combination. For a hierarchical normal model see hanova1 (hierarchical one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)).


A numeric matrix. The format depends on model. See Details.


Optional further arguments to be passed to ru.


The log-prior for the parameters of the hyperprior distribution. If the user wishes to specify their own prior then prior must be an object returned from a call to set_user_prior. Otherwise, prior is a character scalar giving the name of the required in-built prior. If prior is not supplied then a default prior is used. See Details.


A numeric vector. Used to set parameters (if any) in an in-built prior.


A character scalar. If param = "trans" (the default) then the marginal posterior of hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi is reparameterized in a way designed to improve the efficiency of sampling from this posterior. If param = "original" the original parameterization is used. The former tends to make the optimizations involved in the ratio-of-uniforms algorithm more stable and to increase the probability of acceptance, but at the expense of slower function evaluations.


A numeric vector of length 2. Optional initial estimates for the search for the mode of the posterior density of the hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi.


A numeric scalar. If nrep is not NULL then nrep gives the number of replications of the original dataset simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. Each replication is based on one of the samples from the posterior distribution. Therefore, nrep must not be greater than n. In that event nrep is set equal to n.


Conditional on population-specific parameter vectors θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaJJ the observed response data yy1, ..., yyJ within each population are modelled as random samples from a distribution in an exponential family. The population parameters θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaJJ are modelled as random samples from a common population distribution, chosen to be conditionally conjugate to the response distribution, with hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi. Conditionally on θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaJJ, yy1, ..., yyJJ are independent of each other and are independent of ϕ\phi. A hyperprior is placed on ϕ\phi. The user can either choose parameter values of a default hyperprior or specify their own hyperprior using set_user_prior.

The ru function in the rust package is used to draw a random sample from the marginal posterior of the hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi. Then, conditional on these values, population parameters are sampled directly from the conditional posterior density of θ\theta1, ..., θ\thetaJJ given ϕ\phi and the data.

We outline each model, specify the format of the data, give the default (log-)priors (up to an additive constant) and detail the choices of ratio-of-uniforms parameterization param.

Beta-binomial: For j=1,...,Jj = 1, ..., J, YjpjYj | pj are i.i.d binomial(nj,pj)(nj, pj), where pjpj is the probability of success in group jj and njnj is the number of trials in group jj. pjpj are i.i.d. beta(α,β)(\alpha, \beta), so and ϕ=(α,β)\phi = (\alpha, \beta). data is a 2-column matrix: the numbers of successes in column 1 and the corresponding numbers of trials in column 2.


prior = "bda" (the default): logπ(α,β)=2.5log(α+β),α>0,β>0.log \pi(\alpha, \beta) = - 2.5 log(\alpha + \beta), \alpha > 0, \beta > 0. [See Section 5.3 of Gelman et al. (2014).]

prior = "gamma": independent gamma priors on α\alpha and β\beta, i.e. logπ(α,β)=(s11)logαr1α+(s21)logβr2β,α>0,β>0.log \pi(\alpha, \beta) = (s1 - 1)log\alpha - r1 \alpha + (s2 - 1)log\beta - r2 \beta, \alpha > 0, \beta > 0. where the respective shape (s1s1, s2s2) and rate (r1r1, r2r2) parameters are specified using hpars = (s1,r1,s2,r2)(s1, r1, s2, r2). The default setting is hpars = c(1, 0.01, 1, 0.01).

Parameterizations for sampling:

param = "original" is (α,β\alpha, \beta), param = "trans" (the default) is ϕ1=logit(α/(α+β))=log(α/β),ϕ2=log(α+β)\phi1 = logit(\alpha/(\alpha+\beta)) = log(\alpha/\beta), \phi2 = log(\alpha+\beta). See Section 5.3 of Gelman et al. (2014).

Gamma-Poisson: For j=1,...,Jj = 1, ..., J, YjλYj | \lambdaj are i.i.d Poisson(eejλ\lambdaj), where ejej is the exposure in group jj, based on the total length of observation time and/or size of the population at risk of the event of interest and λ\lambdaj is the mean number of events per unit of exposure. λ\lambdaj are i.i.d. gamma(α,β)(\alpha, \beta), so ϕ=(α,β)\phi = (\alpha, \beta). data is a 2-column matrix: the counts yjyj of the numbers of events in column 1 and the corresponding exposures ejej in column 2.


prior = "gamma" (the default): independent gamma priors on α\alpha and β\beta, i.e. logπ(α,β)=(s11)logαr1α+(s21)logβr2β,α>0,β>0.log \pi(\alpha, \beta) = (s1 - 1)log\alpha - r1 \alpha + (s2 - 1)log\beta - r2 \beta, \alpha > 0, \beta > 0. where the respective shape (s1s1, s2s2) and rate (r1r1, r2r2) parameters are specified using hpars = (s1,r1,s2,r2)(s1, r1, s2, r2). The default setting is hpars = c(1, 0.01, 1, 0.01).

Parameterizations for sampling:

param = "original" is (α,β\alpha, \beta), param = "trans" (the default) is ϕ1=log(α/β),ϕ2=log(β).\phi1 = log(\alpha/\beta), \phi2 = log(\beta).


An object (list) of class "hef", which has the same structure as an object of class "ru" returned from ru. In particular, the columns of the n-row matrix sim_vals contain the simulated values of ϕ\phi. In addition this list contains the arguments model, data and prior detailed above, an n by JJ matrix theta_sim_vals: column jj contains the simulated values of θ\thetajj and call: the matched call to hef.

If nrep is not NULL then this list also contains data_rep, a numerical matrix with nrep columns. Each column contains a replication of the first column of the original data data[, 1], simulated from the posterior predictive distribution.


Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S. Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A. and Rubin, D. B. (2014) Bayesian Data Analysis. Chapman & Hall / CRC.

See Also

The ru function in the rust package for details of the arguments that can be passed to ru via hef.

hanova1 for hierarchical one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

set_user_prior to set a user-defined prior.


############################ Beta-binomial #################################

# ------------------------- Rat tumor data ------------------------------- #

# Default prior, sampling on (rotated) (log(mean), log(alpha + beta)) scale
rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat)

# Hyperparameters alpha and beta
# Parameterization used for sampling
plot(rat_res, ru_scale = TRUE)


# Choose rats with extreme sample probabilities
pops <- c(which.min(rat[, 1] / rat[, 2]), which.max(rat[, 1] / rat[, 2]))
# Population-specific posterior samples: separate plots
plot(rat_res, params = "pop", plot_type = "both", which_pop = pops)
# Population-specific posterior samples: one plot
plot(rat_res, params = "pop", plot_type = "dens", which_pop = pops,
     one_plot = TRUE, add_legend = TRUE)

# Default prior, sampling on (rotated) (alpha, beta) scale
rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat, param = "original")

plot(rat_res, ru_scale = TRUE)


# To produce a plot akin to Figure 5.3 of Gelman et al. (2014) we
# (a) Use the same prior for (alpha, beta)
# (b) Don't use axis rotation (rotate = FALSE)
# (c) Plot on the scale used for ratio-of-uniforms sampling (ru_scale = TRUE)
# (d) Note that the mode is relocated to (0, 0) in the plot
rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat, rotate = FALSE)

plot(rat_res, ru_scale = TRUE)

# This is the estimated location of the posterior mode

# User-defined prior, passing parameters
# (equivalent to prior = "gamma" with hpars = c(1, 0.01, 1, 0.01))
user_prior <- function(x, hpars) {
  return(dexp(x[1], hpars[1], log = TRUE) + dexp(x[2], hpars[2], log = TRUE))
user_prior_fn <- set_user_prior(user_prior, hpars = c(0.01, 0.01))
rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat, prior = user_prior_fn)



############################ Gamma-Poisson #################################

# ------------------------ Pump failure data ------------------------------ #

pump_res <- hef(model = "gamma_pois", data = pump)
# Hyperparameters alpha and beta


# Parameterization used for sampling
plot(pump_res, ru_scale = TRUE)

# Choose pumps with extreme sample rates
pops <- c(which.min(pump[, 1] / pump[, 2]), which.max(pump[, 1] / pump[, 2]))
plot(pump_res, params = "pop", plot_type = "dens", which_pop = pops)

Plot diagnostics for a hef object


plot method for class "hef".


## S3 method for class 'hef'
  params = c("hyper", "ru", "pop"),
  which_pop = NULL,
  plot_type = NULL,
  one_plot = FALSE,
  add_legend = FALSE,
  legend_position = "topright",
  legend_text = NULL,
  num = 100



an object of class "hef", a result of a call to ru.


Not used.


Additional arguments passed to, hist or pairs. In particular, ru_scale = TRUE produces a plot using the parameterization used for ratio-of-uniforms sampling.


A character scalar that determines to which parameters the plots relate.

  • "hyper": the posterior sample of all hyperparameter values in ϕ\phi is plotted using

  • "ru": only the posterior sample generated using ru is plotted using This produces a different plot to params = "hyper" if ru is used only on a subset of ϕ\phi. For example, this may be the case if x is the result of a call to hanova1. See vignette("bang-c-anova-vignette", package = "bang") for information.

  • "pop": posterior samples and/or densities of the population-specific parameter θ\theta are plotted. The population(s) included are determined by which_pop and the type of plot is determined by plot_type. If plot_type is not supplied then it is set to "dens".


An integer vector or character scalar. If params = "pop" then which_pop indicates which populations to include in the plot. If which_pop is supplied then params is set to "pop". If which_pop = "all" then all populations are included. If there are many populations then this may fail if plot_type = "pairs" and/or one_plot = FALSE.


A character scalar that determines the type of plot produced when params = "pop". If plot_type is supplied then params is set automatically to "pop".

  • "sim": histograms of the posterior samples of θ\theta for the populations in which_pop.

  • "dens": estimates of the marginal posterior densities of θ\theta for the populations in which_pop.

  • "both": both the histograms and estimated posterior densities.

  • "pairs": pairwise scatter plots of the posterior samples of θ\theta for the populations in which_pop, which must have length greater than one.

one_plot, add_legend, legend_position, legend_text

Only relevant if plot_type = "dens". If one_plot = TRUE then the estimated marginal posterior densities are plotted in the same graph and if add_legend = TRUE then a legend is added to this plot using legend in the position indicated by the character scalar legend_position. A character vector legend_text may be used to override the default legend text.


A numeric scalar. If plot_type == "dens" or plot_type == "both" then num gives the number of points at which the marginal densities are evaluated to produce plots.


See the examples in hef and hanova1.

See Also for arguments that may be passed via ...., in particular ru_scale.

Posterior predictive checks for a hef object


pp_check method for class "hef". This provides an interface to the functions that perform posterior predictive checks in the bayesplot package. See PPC-overview for details of these functions.


## S3 method for class 'hef'
pp_check(object, fun = NULL, raw = FALSE, nrep = NULL, ...)



An object of class "hef", a result of a call to hef or hanova1.


The plotting function to call. Can be any of the functions detailed at PPC-overview. The "ppc_" prefix can optionally be dropped if fun is specified as a string.


Only relevant if object$model = "beta_binom" or object$model = "gamma_pois". If raw = TRUE then the raw responses are used in the plots. Otherwise, the proportions of successes are used in the beta_binom case and the exposure-adjusted rate in the gamma_pois case. In both cases the values used are object$data[, 1] / object$data[, 2] and the equivalent in object$data_rep.


The number of predictive replicates to use. If nrep is supplied then the first nrep rows of object$data_rep are used. Otherwise, or if nrep is greater than nrow(object$data_rep), then all rows are used.


Additional arguments passed on to bayesplot functions. See Examples below.


For details of these functions see PPC-overview. See also the vignettes Conjugate Hierarchical Models, Hierarchical 1-way Analysis of Variance and the bayesplot vignette Graphical posterior predictive checks.

The general idea is to compare the observed data object$data with a matrix object$data_rep in which each row is a replication of the observed data simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. For greater detail see Chapter 6 of Gelman et al. (2013).


A ggplot object that can be further customized using the ggplot2 package.


Jonah Gabry (2016). bayesplot: Plotting for Bayesian Models. R package version 1.1.0.

Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., and Rubin, D. B. (2013). Bayesian Data Analysis. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, London, third edition. (Chapter 6).

See Also

hef and hanova1 for sampling from posterior distributions of hierarchical models.

bayesplot functions PPC-overview, PPC-distributions, PPC-test-statistics, PPC-intervals, pp_check.


############################ Beta-binomial #################################

# ------------------------- Rat tumor data ------------------------------- #

rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat, nrep = 50)

# Overlaid density estimates

# Overlaid distribution function estimates
pp_check(rat_res, fun = "ecdf_overlay")

# Multiple histograms
pp_check(rat_res, fun = "hist", nrep = 8)

# Multiple boxplots
pp_check(rat_res, fun = "boxplot")
# Predictive medians vs observed median
pp_check(rat_res, fun = "stat", stat = "median")

# Predictive (mean, sd) vs observed (mean, sd)
pp_check(rat_res, fun = "stat_2d", stat = c("mean", "sd"))

############################ Gamma-Poisson #################################

# ------------------------ Pump failure data ------------------------------ #

pump_res <- hef(model = "gamma_pois", data = pump, nrep = 50)

# Overlaid density estimates
# Predictive (mean, sd) vs observed (mean, sd)
pp_check(pump_res, fun = "stat_2d", stat = c("mean", "sd"))

###################### One-way Hierarchical ANOVA ##########################

#----------------- Late 21st Century Global Temperature Data ------------- #

RCP26_2 <- temp2[temp2$RCP == "rcp26", ]
temp_res <- hanova1(resp = RCP26_2[, 1], fac = RCP26_2[, 2], nrep = 50)

# Overlaid density estimates
# Predictive (mean, sd) vs observed (mean, sd)
pp_check(temp_res, fun = "stat_2d", stat = c("mean", "sd"))

Print method for objects of class "hef"


print method for class "hef".


## S3 method for class 'hef'
print(x, ...)



an object of class "hef", a result of a call to hef or hanova1.


Additional optional arguments. At present no optional arguments are used.


Prints the original call to hef or hanova1, the name of the model and the number of populations in the hierarchical model.


The argument x, invisibly, as for all print methods.

See Also

hef for hierarchical exponential family models.

hanova1 for hierarchical one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Print method for objects of class "summary.hef"


print method for class "summary.hef".


## S3 method for class 'summary.hef'
print(x, ...)



an object of class "summary.hef", a result of a call to summary.hef.


Additional optional arguments to be passed to print.


What is printed depends on the argument params supplied to summary.hef.


The argument x, invisibly, as for all print methods.

See Also

summary.hef: summary method for class "hef".

hef for hierarchical exponential family models.

hanova1 for hierarchical one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Pump-failure data


Data on pump failures from Gaver, D. P. and O'Muircheartaigh, I. G. (1987). The matrix pump has 10 rows and 2 columns. Each row relates to a different pump system. The first column contains the number of pump failures. The second column contains the length of operating time, in thousands of hours.




A matrix 10 rows and 2 columns.


Table 3 of Gaver, D. P. and O'Muircheartaigh, I. G. (1987). See also Gelfand, A. E. and Smith, A. F. M. (1990).


Gaver, D. P. and O'Muircheartaigh, I. G. (1987) Robust Empirical Bayes Analyses of Event Rates. Technometrics, 29, 1-15. doi:10.1080/00401706.1987.10488178

Gelfand, A. E. and Smith, A. F. M. (1990) Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85(410), 398-409. doi:10.1080/01621459.1990.10476213

Rat tumor data


Tumor incidence in 71 groups of rats: 70 groups from Tarone (1982) and an additional group (the last one) from Table 5.1 of Gelman at al (2014). The matrix rat has 71 rows and 2 columns. Each row relates to a different group of rats. The first column (y) contains the number of rats with tumors. The second column (n) contains the total number of rats.




A matrix with 71 rows and 2 columns.


Table 5.1 of Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S. Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A. and Rubin, D. B. (2014) Bayesian Data Analysis, Chapman & Hall / CRC.


Tarone, R. E. (1982) The use of historical information in testing for a trend in proportions. Biometrics, 38, 215-220. doi:10.2307/2530304

Set a user-defined prior


Constructs a user-defined prior distribution for use as the argument prior in hef or hanova1.


  model = c("beta_binom", "gamma_pois", "anova1"),
  anova_d = 2



An R function returning the log of the prior density for of (perhaps a subset of) the hyperparameter vector ϕ\phi.


Further arguments giving the names and values of any parameters involved in the function prior.


A character string. Abbreviated name of the model: "beta_binom" for beta-binomial and "gamma_pois" for gamma-Poisson (see hef), "anova1" for 1-way ANOVA (see hanova1).


An integer scalar. Only relevant if model = anova1. If anova_d = 2 then prior must return the log-prior density for the standard deviations (σα,σ)(\sigma_\alpha, \sigma) and a normal prior with mean mu0 and standard deviation sigma0 is used for μ\mu. The values of mu0 = 0 and sigma0 = Inf are set in the call to hanova1, with default values mu0 = 0 and sigma0 = Inf. If anova_d = 3 then prior must return the log-prior density for (μ,σα,σ)(\mu, \sigma_\alpha, \sigma).


For details of the hyperparameters in ϕ\phi see the Details section of hef for the models beta_binom and gamma_pois and of hanova1 for the model anova1.


A list of class "bang_prior". Will contain the component prior, the user-supplied function to evaluate the log of the prior, and any arguments supplied in ....

See Also

hef for hierarchical exponential family models.

hanova1 for hierarchical one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).


# User-defined prior, passing parameters
# (equivalent to prior = "gamma" with hpars = c(1, 0.01, 1, 0.01))
user_prior <- function(x, hpars) {
  return(dexp(x[1], hpars[1], log = TRUE) + dexp(x[2], hpars[2], log = TRUE))
user_prior_fn <- set_user_prior(user_prior, hpars = c(0.01, 0.01))

Simulate from a beta-binomial posterior predictive distribution


Simulates nrep draws from the posterior predictive distribution of the beta-binomial model described in hef. This function is called within hef when the argument nrep is supplied.


sim_pred_beta_binom(theta_sim_vals, data, nrep)



A numeric matrix with nrow(data) columns. Each row of theta_sim_vals contains binomial success probabilities simulated from their posterior distribution.


A 2-column numeric matrix: the numbers of successes in column 1 and the corresponding numbers of trials in column 2.


A numeric scalar. The number of replications of the original dataset simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. If nrep is greater than nrow(theta_sim_vals) then nrep is set equal to nrow(theta_sim_vals).


A numeric matrix with nrep columns. Each column contains a draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the number of successes.


rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat)
rat_sim_pred <- sim_pred_beta_binom(rat_res$theta_sim_vals, rat, 50)

Simulate from a gamma-Poisson posterior predictive distribution


Simulates nrep draws from the posterior predictive distribution of the beta-binomial model described in hef. This function is called within hef when the argument nrep is supplied.


sim_pred_gamma_pois(theta_sim_vals, data, nrep)



A numeric matrix with nrow(data) columns. Each row of theta_sim_vals contains binomial success probabilities simulated from their posterior distribution.


A 2-column numeric matrix: the numbers of successes in column 1 and the corresponding numbers of trials in column 2.


A numeric scalar. The number of replications of the original dataset simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. If nrep is greater than nrow(theta_sim_vals) then nrep is set equal to nrow(theta_sim_vals).


A numeric matrix with nrep columns. Each column contains a draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the number of successes.


pump_res <- hef(model = "gamma_pois", data = pump)
pump_sim_pred <- sim_pred_gamma_pois(pump_res$theta_sim_vals, pump, 50)

Simulate from a one-way hierarchical ANOVA posterior predictive distribution


Simulates nrep draws from the posterior predictive distribution of the one-way hierarchical ANOVA model described in hanova1. This function is called within hanova1 when the argument nrep is supplied.


sim_pred_hanova1(theta_sim_vals, sim_vals, fac, nrep)



A numeric matrix with length(fac) columns. Each row of theta_sim_vals contains normal means simulated from their posterior distribution.


A numeric matrix with length(fac) columns. Each row of sim_vals contains normal standard deviations σ\sigma simulated from their posterior distribution.


The argument fac to hanova1, that is, a vector of class factor indicating group membership.


A numeric scalar. The number of replications of the original dataset simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. If nrep is greater than nrow(theta_sim_vals) then nrep is set equal to nrow(theta_sim_vals).


A numeric matrix with nrep columns. Each column contains a draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the number of successes.


RCP26_2 <- temp2[temp2$RCP == "rcp26", ]
temp_res <- hanova1(resp = RCP26_2[, 1], fac = RCP26_2[, 2])
sim_pred <- sim_pred_hanova1(temp_res$theta_sim_vals, temp_res$sim_vals,
                             RCP26_2[, 2], 50)

Summarizing hef objects


summary method for class "hef".


## S3 method for class 'hef'
  params = c("hyper", "pop"),
  which_pop = 1:ncol(object$theta_sim_vals)



an object of class "hef", a result of a call to hef.


Additional arguments passed on to


A character scalar.

If params = "hyper" then the posterior samples of all hyperparameter values in ϕ\phi are summarized using

If params = "pop" then only posterior samples of the populations specified in which_pop are summarized.


An integer vector. If params = "pop" then which_pop indicates which populations, i.e. which columns of object$theta_sim_vals to summarize, using summary. The default is all populations.


# Beta-binomial model, rat data
rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat)

# Posterior summaries of the hyperparameters alpha and beta

# Posterior summaries of the binomial probability for rats 1 to 3
summary(rat_res, params = "pop", which_pop = 1:3)

Mid 21st Century Global Temperature Projection Data


Indices of global temperature change from late 20th century (1970-1999) to mid 21st century (2020-2049) based on data produced by the Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5).




A data frame with 270 rows and 4 columns.

  • Column 1, index: anomaly of 2020-2049 mean relative to the 1970-1999 mean.

  • Column 2, GCM: Abbreviated name of General Circulation Model.

  • Column 3, RCP: Representative Concentration Pathway. One of rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85.

  • Column 4, run: Simulation run number.


The data frame temp1 data frame has 270 rows and 4 columns. Each row relates to a climate projection run from one of 38 different General Circulation Models (GCMs) under a particular Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP). Use table(temp1[, c("GCM", "RCP")]) to see the numbers of runs under each RCP for each GCM. See Van Vuuren et al (2011) for an overview of RCPs and Northrop and Chandler (2014) for analyses of a similar older dataset (CMIP3). Column 1 contains the anomaly of the mean global temperature over the time period 2020-2049 relative to the mean global temperature over 1970-1999, i.e. the latter subtracted from the former. Column 2 contains an abbreviation for the name of the climate modelling research group and the GCM. Column 3 contains the RCP in the format rcpxx where xx is a radiative forcing level resulting from an anticipated future greenhouse gas emissions. Column 4 is the simulation run number.


The raw data from which the indices are calculated are monthly CMIP5 scenario runs for global surface air temperature (tas) downloaded from the KNMI Climate Explorer ( on 4/3/2015.


Northrop, P.J. and R.E. Chandler (2014). Quantifying Sources of Uncertainty in Projections of Future Climate. Journal of Climate, 27, 8793-8808. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00265.1

Van Vuuren, D. P., Edmonds, J., Kainuma, M., Riahi, K. Thomson, A., Hibbard, K., Hurtt, G. C., Kram, T., Krey, V., Lamarque, J.-F. (2011). The representative concentration pathways: an overview. Climatic change, 109, 5-31. doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0148-z

Late 21st Century Global Temperature Projection Data


Indices of global temperature change from late 20th century (1970-1999) to late 21st century (2069-2098) based on data produced by the Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5).




A data frame with 270 rows and 4 columns.

  • Column 1, index: anomaly of 2069-2098 mean relative to the 1970-1999 mean.

  • Column 2, GCM: Abbreviated name of General Circulation Model.

  • Column 3, RCP: Representative Concentration Pathway. One of rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85.

  • Column 4, run: Simulation run number.


The data frame temp2 data frame has 270 rows and 4 columns. Each row relates to a climate projection run from one of 38 different General Circulation Models (GCMs) under a particular Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP). Use table(temp2[, c("GCM", "RCP")]) to see the numbers of runs under each RCP for each GCM. See Van Vuuren et al (2011) for an overview of RCPs and Northrop and Chandler (2014) for analyses of a similar older dataset (CMIP3). Column 1 contains the anomaly of the mean global temperature over the time period 2069-2098 relative to the mean global temperature over 1970-1999, i.e. the latter subtracted from the former. Column 2 contains an abbreviation for the name of the climate modelling research group and the GCM. Column 3 contains the RCP in the format rcpxx where xx is a radiative forcing level resulting from an anticipated future greenhouse gas emissions. Column 4 is the simulation run number.


The raw data from which the indices are calculated are monthly CMIP5 scenario runs for global surface air temperature (tas) downloaded from the KNMI Climate Explorer ( on 4/3/2015.


Northrop, P.J. and R.E. Chandler (2014). Quantifying Sources of Uncertainty in Projections of Future Climate. Journal of Climate, 27, 8793-8808. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00265.1

Van Vuuren, D. P., Edmonds, J., Kainuma, M., Riahi, K. Thomson, A., Hibbard, K., Hurtt, G. C., Kram, T., Krey, V., Lamarque, J.-F. (2011). The representative concentration pathways: an overview. Climatic change, 109, 5-31. doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0148-z

Weight Gained by Rats


Data from an experiment to study weight gained by 10 rats fed on four different diets, defined by a combination of the amount of protein (low and high) and by the source of protein (beef and cereal).




A data frame with 40 rows and 3 columns.

  • Column 1, source: source of protein, a factor with levels Beef and Cereal.

  • Column 2, type: amount of protein, a factor with levels High and Low.

  • Column 3, weightgain: weight gained, in grams.


D. J. Hand, A. D. Lunn, K. J. McConway, and E. Ostrowski (1994). A Handbook of Small Datasets, Chapman and Hall/CRC, London.