Package 'donut'

Title: Nearest Neighbour Search with Variables on a Torus
Description: Finds the k nearest neighbours in a dataset of specified points, adding the option to wrap certain variables on a torus. The user chooses the algorithm to use to find the nearest neighbours. Two such algorithms, provided by the packages 'RANN' <>, and 'nabor' <>, are suggested.
Authors: Paul J. Northrop [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.3
Built: 2025-02-03 05:10:03 UTC

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donut: Nearest Neighbour Search with Variables on a Torus


Finds the k nearest neighbours in a dataset of specified points, adding the option to wrap certain variables on a torus. The user chooses the algorithm to use to find the nearest neighbours.


The function nnt performs the nearest neighbour search. There is also a rudimentary plot method: plot.nnt.

The default algorithm is that provided by the function nn2 in the RANN-package. Another possibility is the knn function in the nabor-package.

See vignette("donut-vignette", package = "donut") for an overview of the package.


Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop [email protected] [copyright holder]


Arya, S., Mount, D., Kemp, S. E. and Jefferis, G. (2019) RANN: Fast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2 Metric. R package version 2.6.1.

Elseberg J., Magnenat S., Siegwart R., Nuchter, A. (2012) Comparison of nearest-neighbor-search strategies and implementations for efficient shape registration. Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER), 3(1), 2-12

See Also

nnt for nearest neighbour with some variables wrapped on a torus.

plot.nnt plot method for objects returned from nnt (1 and 2 dimensional data only).

Nearest Neighbour Search with Variables on a Torus


Uses a user-supplied function to find the k nearest neighbours of specified points in a dataset, adding the option to wrap certain variables on a torus.


  query = data,
  k = min(10, nrow(data)),
  fn = RANN::nn2,
  method = 1,



An MM by dd numeric matrix or data frame. Each of the MM rows contains a dd-dimensional observation.


An NN by dd numeric matrix or data frame. Each row contains an dd-dimensional point that will be queried against data.


An integer scalar. The number of nearest neighbours, of the points in the rows of query, to find.


The function with which to calculate the nearest neighbours. The syntax of this function must be fn(data, query, k, ...). The default is RANN::nn2. Another possibility is nabor::knn.


An integer vector with element(s) in {1, ..., ncol(data)}. The corresponding variables are wrapped on the corresponding range gives in ranges.


A length(torus) by 2 numeric matrix. Row i gives the range of variation of the variable indexed by torus[i]. ranges[i, 1] and ranges[i, 2] are equivalent values of the variable, such as 0 degrees and 360 degrees. If length(torus) = 1 then ranges may be a vector of length 2.


An integer scalar, equal to 1 or 2. See Details.


Further arguments to be passed to fn.


If method = 1 then the data are partially replicated, arranged around the original data in a way that wraps the variables in torus on their respective ranges in ranges. Then fn is called using this replicated dataset as the argument data. If k is large and/or data is a sparse dataset then it is possible that a single observation contributes more than once to a set of nearest neighbours, which is incorrect. If this occurs then nnt uses method 2 to correct the offending rows in nn.idx and nn.dists in the returned list object.

If method = 2 then the following approach is used for the point in each row in query. The data indexed by torus are shifted (and wrapped) so that the point is located at the respective midpoints of ranges. Method 2 is efficient only if the number of points in query is small.

If torus is missing then fn is called using fn(data = data, query = query, k = k, ...), so that a call to nnt is equivalent to a call to the function chosen by fn.


An object (a list) of class c("nnt", "donut") containing the following components.


An NN by dd integer matrix of the k nearest neighbour indices, i.e. the rows of data.


An NN by dd numeric matrix of the k nearest neighbour distances.

data, query, k, fn

The arguments data, query, k and fn (in fact substitute(fn)).

torus, ranges, method

If torus is supplied, the arguments torus, ranges and method.


The call to spm.


Arya, S., Mount, D., Kemp, S. E. and Jefferis, G. (2019) RANN: Fast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2 Metric. R package version 2.6.1.

Elseberg J., Magnenat S., Siegwart R., Nuchter, A. (2012) Comparison of nearest-neighbor-search strategies and implementations for efficient shape registration. Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER), 3(1), 2-12

See Also

RANN::nn2, nabor::knn: nearest neighbour searches.

plot.nnt plot method for objects returned from nnt (1 and 2 dimensional data only).


got_RANN <- requireNamespace("RANN", quietly = TRUE)
got_nabor <- requireNamespace("nabor", quietly = TRUE)

# 2D example from the RANN:nn2 documentation (L2 metric)
x1 <- runif(100, 0, 2 * pi)
x2 <- runif(100, 0, 3)
DATA <- data.frame(x1, x2)
if (got_RANN) {
  nearest <- nnt(DATA, DATA)

# Suppose that x1 should be wrapped
ranges1 <- c(0, 2 * pi)
query1 <- rbind(c(6, 1.3), c(2 * pi, 3), c(3, 1.5), c(4, 0))
if (got_RANN) {
  res1 <- nnt(DATA, query1, k = 8, torus = 1, ranges = ranges1)
  plot(res1, ylim = c(0, 3))

# Suppose that x1 and x2 should be wrapped
ranges2 <- rbind(c(0, 2 * pi), c(0, 3))
query2 <- rbind(c(6, 1.3), c(2 * pi, 3), c(3, 1.5), c(4, 0))
if (got_RANN) {
  res2 <- nnt(DATA, query2, k = 8, torus = 1:2, ranges = ranges2)

# Use nabor::knn (L2 metric) instead of RANN::nn2
if (got_nabor) {
  res3 <- nnt(DATA, query2, k = 8, fn = nabor::knn, torus = 1:2,
              ranges = ranges2)

# 1D example
ranges <- c(0, 2 * pi)
query <- c(4, 0.1)
if (got_RANN) {
  res <- nnt(x1, query, torus = 1, ranges = ranges, method = 1)

Plot diagnostics for an nnt object


plot method for an object of class c("nnt").


## S3 method for class 'nnt'
plot(x, ...)



an object of class c("nnt"), a result of a call to nnt.


Further arguments to be passed to plot, or points.


This function is only applicable in 1 or 2 dimensions, that is, when ncol(x$data) = 1 or 2. It provides a visual check that the wrapping of variables is working as intended, in cases where the number of query points, that is, nrow(x$query) is small enough that sets of nearest neighbours do not overlap much.

If ncol(x$data) = 1 then the index of each observation is plotted against its value, using a plotting character pch = 1. A vertical line is superimposed at each value in x$query and the x$k$ nearest neighbours of each line are colour-coded.

If ncol(x$data) = 2 then x$data[, 2] is plotted against x$data[, 1], using a plotting character pch = 1. Each point in x$query is plotted with a cross and the x$k$ nearest neighbours of each point are colour-coded.

Colours of the lines/crosses and nearest neighbour points can be set sing an argument col. If a variable is wrapped then the default plotting limits are set using the corresponding values in x$ranges.


Nothing is returned.


See the examples in nnt.

See Also

nnt for nearest neighbour with some variables wrapped on a torus.