Package 'lite'

Title: Likelihood-Based Inference for Time Series Extremes
Description: Performs likelihood-based inference for stationary time series extremes. The general approach follows Fawcett and Walshaw (2012) <doi:10.1002/env.2133>. Marginal extreme value inferences are adjusted for cluster dependence in the data using the methodology in Chandler and Bate (2007) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asm015>, producing an adjusted log-likelihood for the model parameters. A log-likelihood for the extremal index is produced using the K-gaps model of Suveges and Davison (2010) <doi:10.1214/09-AOAS292>. These log-likelihoods are combined to make inferences about extreme values. Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches are available.
Authors: Paul J. Northrop [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.1.1
Built: 2025-02-12 03:26:00 UTC

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lite: Likelihood-Based Inference for Time Series Extremes


Performs likelihood-Based inference for stationary time series extremes. The general approach follows Fawcett and Walshaw (2012). Marginal extreme value inferences are adjusted for cluster dependence in the data using the methodology in Chandler and Bate (2007), producing an adjusted log-likelihood for the model parameters. A log-likelihood for the extremal index is produced using the K-gaps model of Suveges and Davison (2010). These log-likelihoods are combined to make inferences about return levels.


The main functions are flite and blite, which perform frequentist and Bayesian inference for time series extremes, respectively.

See the vignettes vignette("lite-1-frequentist", package = "lite") and
vignette("lite-2-bayesian", package = "lite") for an overview of the package.


Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop [email protected] [copyright holder]


Chandler, R. E. and Bate, S. (2007). Inference for clustered. data using the independence loglikelihood. Biometrika, 94(1), 167-183. doi:10.1093/biomet/asm015

Fawcett, L. and Walshaw, D. (2012), Estimating return levels from serially dependent extremes. Environmetrics, 23, 272-283. doi:10.1002/env.2133

Suveges, M. and Davison, A. C. (2010) Model misspecification in peaks over threshold analysis, Annals of Applied Statistics, 4(1), 203-221. doi:10.1214/09-AOAS292

See Also

flite for frequentist threshold-based inference for time series extremes.

returnLevel for frequentist threshold-based inference for return levels.

blite for Bayesian threshold-based inference for time series extremes.

predict.blite for predictive inference for the largest value observed in NN years.

Frequentist inference for the Bernoulli distribution


Functions involved in making inferences about the probability of success in a Bernoulli distribution using maximum likelihood estimation.



## S3 method for class 'Bernoulli'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Bernoulli'
vcov(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Bernoulli'
nobs(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Bernoulli'
logLik(object, ...)



A numeric vector of outcomes from Bernoulli trials: 0 for a failure, 1 for a success. Alternatively, a logical vector with FALSE for a failure and TRUE for a success. Missing values are removed using na.omit.


A fitted model object returned from fitBernoulli().


Further arguments. None are used currently.


fitBernoulli: fit a Bernoulli distribution using maximum likelihood estimation, using an independence log-likelihood formed by summing contributions from individual observations. No adjustment for cluster dependence has been made in estimating the variance-covariance matrix stored as component in vcov in the returned object.

coef, vcov, nobs and logLik methods are provided.


fitBernoulli returns an object of class "Bernoulli", a list with components: maxLogLik, mle, nobs, vcov, n0, n1, data, obs_data, where data are the input data and, obs_data are the input data after any missing values have been removed, using na.omit and n0 and n1 are, respectively, the number of failures and the number of successes.

coef.Bernoulli: a numeric vector of length 1 with name prob. The MLE of the probability of success.

vcov.Bernoulli: a 1×11 \times 1 matrix with row and column name prob. The estimated variance of the estimator of the probability of success. No adjustment for cluster dependence has been made.

nobs.Bernoulli: a numeric vector of length 1 with name prob. The number of observations used to estimate the probability of success.

logLik.Bernoulli: an object of class "logLik": a numeric scalar with value equal to the maximised log-likelihood. The returned object also has attributes nobs, the numbers of observations used in this model fit, and "df" (degrees of freedom), which is equal to the number of total number of parameters estimated (1).


# Set up data
cdata <- c(exdex::cheeseboro)
u <- 45
exc <- cdata > u

# Fit a Bernoulli distribution
fit <- fitBernoulli(exc)

# Calculate the log-likelihood at the MLE
res <- logLikVector(fit)

# The logLik method sums the individual log-likelihood contributions.

# nobs, coef, vcov, logLik methods for objects returned from fitBernoulli()

Bayesian threshold-based inference for time series extremes


Performs threshold-based Bayesian inference for 3 aspects of stationary time series extremes: the probability that the threshold is exceeded, the marginal distribution of threshold excesses and the extent of clustering of extremes, as summarised by the extremal index.


  k = 1,
  inc_cens = TRUE,
  gp_prior = revdbayes::set_prior(prior = "mdi", model = "gp"),
  b_prior = revdbayes::set_bin_prior(prior = "jeffreys"),
  theta_prior_pars = c(1, 1),
  n = 1000,
  type = c("vertical", "none"),



A numeric vector or numeric matrix of raw data. If data is a matrix then the log-likelihood is constructed as the sum of (independent) contributions from different columns. A common situation is where each column relates to a different year.

If data contains missing values then split_by_NAs isvused to divide the data further into sequences of non-missing values, stored in different columns in a matrix. Again, the log-likelihood is constructed as a sum of contributions from different columns.


A numeric scalar. The extreme value threshold applied to the data. See Details for information about choosing u.


This argument is used to set the argument cluster to meatCL, which calculates the matrix VV passed as the argument V to adjust_loglik. If data is a matrix and cluster is missing then cluster is set so that data in different columns are in different clusters. If data is a vector and cluster is missing then cluster is set so that each observation forms its own cluster.

If cluster is supplied then it must have the same structure as data: if data is a matrix then cluster must be a matrix with the same dimensions as data and if data is a vector then cluster must be a vector of the same length as data. Each entry in cluster sets the cluster of the corresponding component of data.

k, inc_cens

Arguments passed to kgaps. k sets the value of the run parameter KK in the KK-gaps model for the extremal index. inc_cens determines whether contributions from right-censored inter-exceedance times are used. See Details for information about choosing k.


A numeric scalar. The (mean) number of observations per year. Setting this appropriately is important when making predictive inferences using predict.blite, but ny is not used by blite so it need not be supplied now. If ny is supplied to blite then it is stored for use by predict.blite. Alternatively, ny can be supplied in a later call to predict.blite. If ny is supplied to both blite and predict.blite then the value supplied to predict.blite will take precedence, with no warning given.


A list to specify a prior distribution for the GP parameters (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi), set using set_prior.


A list to specify a prior distribution for the Bernoulli parameter ppu, set using set_bin_prior.


A numerical vector of length 2 containing the respective values of the parameters α\alpha and β\beta of a Beta(α\alpha, β\beta) prior for the extremal index θ\theta.


An integer scalar. The size of posterior sample required.


A character scalar. Either "vertical" to adjust the independence log-likelihood vertically, or "none" for no adjustment. Horizontal adjustment is not offered because it does not preserve the correct support of the posterior distribution.


Further arguments to be passed to the function meatCL in the sandwich package. In particular, the clustering adjustment argument cadjust may make a difference if the number of clusters is not large.


See flite for details of the (adjusted) likelihoods on which these Bayesian inferences are based.

The likelihood is based on a model for 3 independent aspects.

  1. A Bernoulli(ppu) model for whether a given observation exceeds the threshold uu.

  2. A generalised Pareto, GP(σ\sigmau, ξ\xi), model for the marginal distribution of threshold excesses.

  3. The KK-gaps model for the extremal index θ\theta.

The general approach follows Fawcett and Walshaw (2012).

The contributions to the likelihood for ppu and (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi) are based on the vertically-adjusted likelihoods described in flite. This is an example of Bayesian inference using a composite likelihood Ribatet et al (2012). Priors for ppu (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi) and θ\theta are set using the arguments gp_prior, b_prior and theta_prior_pars. Currently, only priors where ppu (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi) and θ\theta are independent a priori are allowed.

Two tuning parameters need to be chosen: a threshold uu and the KK-gaps run parameter KK. The exdex package has a function choose_uk to inform this choice.

Random samples are simulated from the posteriors for ppu and (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi) (using ru) and θ\theta (using kgaps_post).


An object of class c("blite", "lite", "chandwich"). This object is an n ×4\times 4 matrix containing the posterior samples, with column names c("p[u]", "sigma[u]", "xi", "theta").

The object also has the attributes "Bernoulli", "gp", "theta", which provide the fitted model objects returned from adjust_loglik (for "Bernoulli" and "gp") and kgaps (for "theta"). The named input arguments are returned in a list as the attribute inputs. If ny was not supplied then its value is NA. The call to blite is provided in the attribute "call". A call to flite is used to create adjusted log-likelihoods for ppu and (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi). The object returned from the call is provided as the attribute "flite_object".

Objects inheriting from class "blite" have coef, nobs, plot, summary, vcov and confint methods. See bliteMethods.

predict.blite can be used to make predictive inferences about the largest value to be observed in N years.


Fawcett, L. and Walshaw, D. (2012), Estimating return levels from serially dependent extremes. Environmetrics, 23, 272-283. doi:10.1002/env.2133

Ribatet, M., Cooley, D., & Davison, A. C. (2012). Bayesian inference from composite likelihoods, with an application to spatial extremes. Statistica Sinica, 22(2), 813-845.

See Also

bliteMethods, including plotting the posterior samples.

predict.blite to make predictive inferences about future extreme values.

flite for frequentist threshold-based inference for time series extremes.

choose_uk to inform the choice of the threshold uu and run parameter KK.


### Cheeseboro wind gusts

cdata <- exdex::cheeseboro
# Each column of the matrix cdata corresponds to data from a different year
# blite() sets cluster automatically to correspond to column (year)
cpost <- blite(cdata, u = 45, k = 3)

## Plots of posterior samples

## Credible intervals

Methods for objects of class "blite"


Methods for objects of class "blite" returned from blite. confint.blite is a misnomer: it returns (equi-tailed) Bayesian credible intervals.


## S3 method for class 'blite'
plot(x, which = c("all", "pu", "gp", "xi", "theta"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'blite'
coef(object, fun, ...)

## S3 method for class 'blite'
vcov(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'blite'
nobs(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'blite'
  short = TRUE,
  mean = TRUE,
  digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3L),

## S3 method for class 'summary.blite'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'blite'
confint(object, parm = "all", level = 0.95, ...)



An object inheriting from class "blite", a result of a call to blite.


A character scalar indicating which plot(s) to produce. If which = "all" then all 4 plots described in Details are produced. Otherwise, only one of these plots is produced, with the possible names of the arguments being in the order that the plots are described in Details.


For plot.blite: arguments passed to plot, such as graphical parameters.

For coef.blite: additional arguments passed to fun.

For print.summary.blite: additional arguments passed to print.default.

Otherwise ... is unused.


An object of class "blite", returned by blite.


A summary function to be applied to each column of the simulated values in object. If fun is missing then mean is used.


A logical scalar that determines the form of the output. See Details.


A logical scalar. Determines the form of the output if short = TRUE. See Details.


An integer. Passed to signif to round the values in the summary.


A character vector specifying the parameters for which confidence intervals are required. The default, which = "all", produces confidence intervals for all the parameters, that is, ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi and θ\theta. If which = "gp" then intervals are produced only for σ\sigmau and ξ\xi. Otherwise, parm must be a subset of c("pu", "sigmau", "xi", "theta").


The credible level required. A numeric scalar in (0, 1).


For plot.blite, if which = "all" then 4 plots are produced.

  • Top left: histogram of the posterior sample for the threshold exceedance probability ppu.

  • Top right: scatter plot of posterior sample for the GP parameters (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi). The linear constraint ξ\xi > -σ\sigmau / xx (n) is drawn on the plot.

  • Bottom left: histogram of the posterior sample for the GP shape parameter ξ\xi.

  • Bottom right: histogram of the posterior sample for the extremal index θ\theta.


plot.blite: No return value, only the plot is produced.

coef.blite: a numeric vector of length 4 with names c("p[u]", "sigma[u]", "xi", "theta"). The values of summary statistics calculated using the function fun.

vcov.blite: a 4×44 \times 4 matrix with row and column names c("p[u]", "sigma[u]", "xi", "theta"). An estimate of the posterior covariance matrix, calculated using cov.

nobs.blite: a numeric vector of length 3 with names c("p[u]", "gp", "theta"). The respective number of observations used to infer ppu, (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi) and θ\theta.

summary.blite: an object containing the original function call and a matrix of summaries of the posterior samples for each of the parameters. If short = TRUE then there are 2 columns, containing either the sample posterior means and standard deviations (mean = TRUE) or the sample posterior medians and inter-quartile ranges (mean = FALSE). If short = FALSE then there are 4 columns, with each column containing the usual 6-number summary produced by summary. The object is printed by print.summary.blite.

print.summary.blite: the argument x is returned, invisibly.

confint.blite: a numeric matrix with 2 columns giving the lower and upper credible limits for each parameter. These columns are labelled as (1-level)/2 and 1-(1-level)/2, expressed as a percentage, by default 2.5% and 97.5%. The row names are the names of the parameters supplied in parm.

See Also

blite to perform frequentist threshold-based inference for time series extremes.

predict.blite: for predictive inference for the largest value observed in NN years.

Functions for the estfun method


Functions to calculate contributions to the score vector from individual observations for a fitted model object.


## S3 method for class 'Bernoulli'
estfun(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GP'
estfun(x, eps = 1e-05, m = 3, ...)



A fitted model object.


Further arguments. None are used for estfun.Bernoulli or estfun.GP.

eps, m

These control the estimation of the observed information in gpObsInfo when the GP shape parameter ξ\xi is very close to zero. In these cases, direct calculation is unreliable. eps is a (small, positive) numeric scalar. If the absolute value of the input value of ξ\xi, that is, pars[2], is smaller than eps then we approximate the [2, 2] element using a Taylor series expansion in ξ\xi, evaluated up to and including the mth term.


An estfun method is used by meatCL to calculate the meat in the sandwich covariance estimator on which the log-likelihood adjustments in flite are based. Specifically, meatCL is used to calculate the argument V passed to adjust_loglik.


An n×kn \times k matrix containing contributions to the score function from nn observations for each of the kk parameters.

estfun.Bernoulli: an n×2n \times 2 matrix, where nn is the sample size, the length of the input data to fitBernoulli. The column is named prob.

estfun.GP: an n×2n \times 2 matrix, where nn is the sample size, the length of the input data to fitGP. The columns are named sigma[u] and xi.

See Also

Bernoulli for maximum likelihood inference for the Bernoulli distribution.

generalisedPareto for maximum likelihood inference for the generalised Pareto distribution.



# estfun.Bernoulli
bfit <- fitBernoulli(c(exdex::cheeseboro) > 45)

# estfun.generalisedPareto
gpfit <- fitGP(c(exdex::cheeseboro), u = 45)

Frequentist threshold-based inference for time series extremes


Performs threshold-based frequentist inference for 3 aspects of stationary time series extremes: the probability that the threshold is exceeded, the marginal distribution of threshold excesses and the extent of clustering of extremes, as summarised by the extremal index.


flite(data, u, cluster, k = 1, inc_cens = TRUE, ny, ...)



A numeric vector or numeric matrix of raw data. If data is a matrix then the log-likelihood is constructed as the sum of (independent) contributions from different columns. A common situation is where each column relates to a different year.

If data contains missing values then split_by_NAs is used to divide the data further into sequences of non-missing values, stored in different columns in a matrix. Again, the log-likelihood is constructed as a sum of contributions from different columns.


A numeric scalar. The extreme value threshold applied to the data. See Details for information about choosing u.


This argument is used to set the argument cluster to meatCL, which calculates the matrix VV passed as the argument V to adjust_loglik. If data is a matrix and cluster is missing then cluster is set so that data in different columns are in different clusters. If data is a vector and cluster is missing then cluster is set so that each observation forms its own cluster.

If cluster is supplied then it must have the same structure as data: if data is a matrix then cluster must be a matrix with the same dimensions as data and if data is a vector then cluster must be a vector of the same length as data. Each entry in cluster sets the cluster of the corresponding component of data.

k, inc_cens

Arguments passed to kgaps. k sets the value of the run parameter KK in the KK-gaps model for the extremal index. inc_cens determines whether contributions from right-censored inter-exceedance times are used. See Details for information about choosing k.


A numeric scalar. The (mean) number of observations per year. Setting this appropriately is important when making inferences about return levels, using returnLevel, but ny is not used by flite so it need not be supplied now. If ny is supplied to flite then it is stored for use by returnLevel. Alternatively, ny can be supplied in a later call to returnLevel. If ny is supplied to both flite and returnLevel then the value supplied to returnLevel will take precedence, with no warning given.


Further arguments to be passed to the function meatCL in the sandwich package. In particular, the clustering adjustment argument cadjust may make a difference if the number of clusters is not large.


There are 3 independent parts to the inference, all performed using maximum likelihood estimation.

  1. A Bernoulli(ppu) model for whether a given observation exceeds the threshold uu.

  2. A generalised Pareto, GP(σ\sigmau, ξ\xi), model for the marginal distribution of threshold excesses.

  3. The KK-gaps model for the extremal index θ\theta.

The general approach follows Fawcett and Walshaw (2012).

For parts 1 and 2, inferences based on a mis-specified independence log-likelihood are adjusted to account for clustering in the data. Here, we follow Chandler and Bate (2007) to estimate adjusted log-likelihood functions for ppu and for (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi), with the argument cluster defining the clusters. This aspect of the calculations is performed using the adjust_loglik in the chandwich package (Northrop and Chandler, 2021). The GP distribution initial fit of the GP distribution to threshold excesses is performed using the grimshaw_gp_mle function in the revdbayes package (Northrop, 2020).

In part 3, the methodology described in Suveges and Davison (2010) is implemented using the exdex package (Northrop and Christodoulides, 2022).

Two tuning parameters need to be chosen: a threshold uu and the KK-gaps run parameter KK. The exdex package has a function choose_uk to inform this choice.

Each part of the inference produces a log-likelihood function (adjusted for parts 1 and 2). These log-likelihoods are combined (summed) to form a log-likelihood function for the parameter vector (ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi, θ\theta). Return levels are a function of these parameters and therefore inferences for return levels can be based on this log-likelihood.


An object of class c("flite", "lite", "chandwich"). This object is a function with 2 arguments:

  • pars, a numeric vector of length 4 to supply the value of the parameter vector (ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi, θ\theta),

  • type, a character scalar specifying the type of adjustment made to the independence log-likelihood in parts 1 and 2, one of "vertical", "none", "cholesky", or "spectral". For details see Chandler and Bate (2007). The default is "vertical" for the reason given in the description of the argument adj_type in plot.flite.

The object also has the attributes "Bernoulli", "gp", "theta", which provide the fitted model objects returned from adjust_loglik (for "Bernoulli" and "gp") and kgaps (for "theta"). The named input arguments are returned in a list as the attribute inputs. If ny was not supplied then its value is NA. The call to flite is provided in the attribute "call".

Objects inheriting from class "flite" have coef, logLik, nobs, plot, summary, vcov and confint methods. See fliteMethods.

returnLevel can be used to make frequentist inferences about return levels.


Chandler, R. E. and Bate, S. (2007). Inference for clustered. data using the independence loglikelihood. Biometrika, 94(1), 167-183. doi:10.1093/biomet/asm015

Fawcett, L. and Walshaw, D. (2012), Estimating return levels from serially dependent extremes. Environmetrics, 23, 272-283. doi:10.1002/env.2133

Northrop, P. J. and Chandler, R. E. (2021). chandwich: Chandler-Bate Sandwich Loglikelihood Adjustment. R package version 1.1.5.

Northrop, P. J. and Christodoulides, C. (2022). exdex: Estimation of the Extremal Index. R package version 1.1.1.

Northrop, P. J. (2020). revdbayes: Ratio-of-Uniforms Sampling for Bayesian Extreme Value Analysis. R package version 1.3.9.

Suveges, M. and Davison, A. C. (2010) Model misspecification in peaks over threshold analysis, Annals of Applied Statistics, 4(1), 203-221. doi:10.1214/09-AOAS292

See Also

fliteMethods, including plotting (adjusted) log-likelihoods for (ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi, θ\theta).

returnLevel to make frequentist inferences about return levels.

blite for Bayesian threshold-based inference for time series extremes.

Bernoulli for maximum likelihood inference for the Bernoulli distribution.

generalisedPareto for maximum likelihood inference for the generalised Pareto distribution.

kgaps for maximum likelihood inference from the KK-gaps model for the extremal index.

choose_uk to inform the choice of the threshold uu and run parameter KK.


### Cheeseboro wind gusts

# Make inferences
cdata <- exdex::cheeseboro
# Each column of the matrix cdata corresponds to data from a different year
# flite() sets cluster automatically to correspond to column (year)
cfit <- flite(cdata, u = 45, k = 3)

# 2 ways to find the maximised log-likelihood value

# Plots of (adjusted) log-likelihoods
plot(cfit, which = "gp")

## Confidence intervals
# Based on an adjusted profile log-likelihood
# Symmetric intervals based on large sample normality
confint(cfit, profile = FALSE)

Methods for objects of class "flite"


Methods for objects of class "flite" returned from flite.


## S3 method for class 'flite'
  which = c("all", "pu", "gp", "xi", "theta"),
  adj_type = c("vertical", "none", "cholesky", "spectral"),

## S3 method for class 'flite'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flite'
vcov(object, adjust = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flite'
nobs(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flite'
logLik(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flite'
summary(object, adjust = TRUE, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.flite'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flite'
  parm = "all",
  level = 0.95,
  adj_type = c("vertical", "none", "cholesky", "spectral"),
  profile = TRUE,



An object inheriting from class "flite", a result of a call to flite.


A character scalar indicating which plot(s) to produce. If which = "all" then all 4 plots described in Details are produced. Otherwise, only one of these plots is produced, with the possible names of the arguments being in the order that the plots are described in Details.


A character scalar passed to conf_intervals and conf_region as the argument type to select the type of adjustment applied to the independence log-likelihood. Of the 3 adjustments, "vertical" is preferred because it preserves constraints on the parameters, whereas the "cholesky" and "spectral" adjustment do not. In the generalised Pareto case the constraint that ξ\xi > -σ\sigmau / xx(n) where xx(n) is the largest excesses of the threshold uu, is preserved.


For plot.flite: arguments passed to plot, such as graphical parameters.

For print.summary.flite: additional arguments passed to print.default.

For confint.flite: additional arguments passed to conf_intervals.

Otherwise ... is unused.


An object of class "flite", returned by flite.


A logical scalar. If adjust = TRUE then the elements of the variance-covariance matrix corresponding to (ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi), are estimated using a sandwich estimator. See flite. Otherwise, this matrix is the inverse of the observed information matrix.


An integer. Passed to signif to round the values in the summary.


A character vector specifying the parameters for which confidence intervals are required. The default, which = "all", produces confidence intervals for all the parameters, that is, ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi and θ\theta. If which = "gp" then intervals are produced only for σ\sigmau and ξ\xi. Otherwise, parm must be a subset of c("pu", "sigmau", "xi", "theta").


The confidence level required. A numeric scalar in (0, 1).


A logical scalar. If TRUE then confidence intervals based on an (adjusted) profile loglikelihood are returned. If FALSE then intervals based on approximate large sample normal theory, which are symmetric about the MLE, are returned.


For plot.flite, if which = "all" then 4 plots are produced.

  • Top left: (adjusted) log-likelihood for the threshold exceedence probability ppu, with a horizontal line indicating a 95% confidence interval for ppu.

  • Top right: contour plot of the (adjusted) log-likelihood for the GP parameters (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi), showing (25, 50, 75, 90, 95)% confidence regions. The linear constraint ξ\xi > -σ\sigmau / xx (n) is drawn on the plot.

  • Bottom left: (adjusted) log-likelihood for ξ\xi, with a horizontal line indicating a 95% confidence interval for ξ\xi.

  • Bottom right: log-likelihood for the extremal index θ\theta, with a horizontal line indicating a 95% confidence interval for θ\theta.


plot.flite: No return value, only the plot is produced.

coef.flite: a numeric vector of length 4 with names c("p[u]", "sigma[u]", "xi", "theta"). The MLEs of the parameters ppu, σ\sigmau, ξ\xi and θ\theta.

vcov.flite: a 4×44 \times 4 matrix with row and column names c("p[u]", "sigma[u]", "xi", "theta"). The estimated variance-covariance matrix for the model parameters. If adjust = TRUE then the elements corresponding to ppu, σ\sigmau, and ξ\xi are adjusted for cluster dependence using a sandwich estimator; otherwise they are not adjusted.

nobs.flite: a numeric vector of length 3 with names c("p[u]", "gp", "theta"). The respective number of observations used to estimate ppu, (σ\sigmau, ξ\xi) and θ\theta.

logLik.flite: an object of class "logLik": a numeric scalar with value equal to the maximised log-likelihood. This is the sum of contributions from three fitted models, from a Bernoulli model for occurrences of threshold exceedances, a generalised Pareto model for threshold excesses and a KK-gaps model for the extremal index. The returned object also has attributes nobs, the numbers of observations used in each of these model fits, and "df" (degrees of freedom), which is equal to the number of total number of parameters estimated (4).

summary.flite: an object containing the original function call and a matrix of estimates and estimated standard errors with row names c("p[u]", "sigma[u]", "xi", "theta"). The object is printed by print.summary.flite.

print.summary.flite: the argument x is returned, invisibly.

confint.flite: a numeric matrix with 2 columns giving the lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter. These columns are labelled as (1-level)/2 and 1-(1-level)/2, expressed as a percentage, by default 2.5% and 97.5%. The row names are the names of the parameters supplied in parm.

See Also

flite to perform frequentist threshold-based inference for time series extremes.

Frequentist inference for the generalised Pareto distribution


Functions involved in making inferences about the scale and shape parameters of a generalised Pareto distribution using maximum likelihood estimation.


fitGP(data, u)

## S3 method for class 'GP'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GP'
vcov(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GP'
nobs(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GP'
logLik(object, ...)

gpObsInfo(pars, excesses, eps = 1e-05, m = 3)



A numeric vector of raw data. Missing values are removed using na.omit.


A numeric scalar. The extremal value threshold.


A fitted model object returned from fitGP().


Further arguments to be passed to the functions in the sandwich package meat (if cluster = NULL), or meatCL (if cluster is not NULL).


A numeric parameter vector of length 2 containing the values of the generalised Pareto scale and shape parameters.


A numeric vector of threshold excesses, that is, amounts by which exceedances of u exceed u.

eps, m

These control the estimation of the observed information in gpObsInfo when the GP shape parameter ξ\xi is very close to zero. In these cases, direct calculation is unreliable. eps is a (small, positive) numeric scalar. If the absolute value of the input value of ξ\xi, that is, pars[2], is smaller than eps then we approximate the [2, 2] element using a Taylor series expansion in ξ\xi, evaluated up to and including the mth term.


fitGP: fit a generalised Pareto distribution using maximum likelihood estimation, using an independence log-likelihood formed by summing contributions from individual observations. No adjustment for cluster dependence has been made in estimating the variance-covariance matrix stored as component in vcov in the returned object. This function calls grimshaw_gp_mle.

coef, vcov, nobs and logLik methods are provided for objects of class "GP" returned from fitGP.

gpObsInfo: calculates the observed information matrix for a random sample excesses from the generalized Pareto distribution, that is, the negated Hessian matrix of the generalized Pareto independence log-likelihood, evaluated at pars.


fitGP returns an object of class "GP", a list with components: maxLogLik, threshold, mle, vcov, exceedances, nexc, where exceedances is a vector containing the values that exceed the threshold threshold and nexc is the length of this vector.

coef.GP: a numeric vector of length 2 with names c("sigma[u]", "xi"). The MLEs of the GP parameters σu\sigma_u and ξ\xi.

vcov.GP: a 2×22 \times 2 matrix with row and column names c("sigma[u]", "xi"). The estimated variance-covariance matrix for the model parameters. No adjustment for cluster dependence has been made.

nobs.GP: a numeric vector of length 1. The number of observations used to estimate (σu\sigma_u, ξ\xi).

logLik.GP: an object of class "logLik": a numeric scalar with value equal to the maximised log-likelihood. The returned object also has attributes nobs, the numbers of observations used in each of these model fits, and "df" (degrees of freedom), which is equal to the number of total number of parameters estimated (2).

gpObsInfo returns a 2 by 2 matrix with row and columns names c("sigma[u]", "xi").


# Set up data and set a threshold
cdata <- c(exdex::cheeseboro)

# Fit a generalised Pareto distribution
fit <- fitGP(cdata, 45)

# Calculate the log-likelihood at the MLE
res <- logLikVector(fit)

# The logLik method sums the individual log-likelihood contributions.

# nobs, coef, vcov, logLik methods for objects returned from fitGP()

Functions for log-likelihood contributions


Generic function for calculating log-likelihood contributions from individual observations for a fitted model object.


logLikVector(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Bernoulli'
logLikVector(object, pars = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GP'
logLikVector(object, pars = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logLikVector'
logLik(object, ...)



A fitted model object.


Further arguments. None are used for either logLikVector.Bernoulli or


A numeric parameter vector.

For logLikVector.Bernoulli this is a vector of length 1 containing a value of the Bernoulli success probability.

For logLikVector.GP this is a numeric vector of length 2 containing the values of the generalised Pareto scale (σu\sigma_u) and shape (ξ\xi) parameters.


A logLikVector method is used to construct a log-likelihood function to supply as the argument loglik to the function adjust_loglik, which performs log-likelihood adjustment for parts 1 and 2 of the inferences performed by flite.

The logLik method logLik.LogLikVector sums the log-likelihood contributions from individual observations.


For logLikVector: an object of class logLikVec. This is a numeric vector of length nn containing contributions to the the independence log-likelihood from nn observations, with attributes "df" (degrees of freedom), giving the number of estimated parameters in the model, and "nobs", giving the number observations used to perform the estimation.

For logLik.logLikVector: an object of class logLik. This is a number with the attributes "df" and "nobs" as described above.

See Also

Bernoulli for maximum likelihood inference for the Bernoulli distribution.

generalisedPareto for maximum likelihood inference for the generalised Pareto distribution.


# logLikVector.Bernoulli
bfit <- fitBernoulli(c(exdex::cheeseboro) > 45)
bvec <- logLikVector(bfit)

# estfun.generalisedPareto
gpfit <- fitGP(c(exdex::cheeseboro), u = 45)
gpvec <- logLikVector(gpfit)

Predictive inference for the largest value observed in NN years.


predict method for class "blite". Performs predictive inference about the largest value to be observed over a future time period of NN years. Predictive inferences accounts for uncertainty in model parameters and for uncertainty owing to the variability of future observations.


## S3 method for class 'blite'
  type = c("i", "p", "d", "q", "r"),
  x = NULL,
  x_num = 100,
  n_years = 100,
  ny = NULL,
  level = 95,
  hpd = FALSE,
  lower_tail = TRUE,
  log = FALSE,
  big_q = 1000,



An object of class "blite" returned from blite.


A character vector. Indicates which type of inference is required:

  • "i" for predictive intervals,

  • "p" for the predictive distribution function,

  • "d" for the predictive density function,

  • "q" for the predictive quantile function,

  • "r" for random generation from the predictive distribution.


A numeric vector or a matrix with n_years columns. The meaning of x depends on type.

  • type = "p" or type = "d": x contains quantiles at which to evaluate the distribution or density function. No element of x can be less than the threshold attr(object, "inputs")$u.

    If x is not supplied then n_year-specific defaults are set: vectors of length x_num from the 0.1% quantile to the 99% quantile, subject all values being greater than the threshold.

  • type = "q": x contains probabilities in (0,1) at which to evaluate the quantile function. Any values outside (0, 1) will be removed without warning. No element of p can correspond to a predictive quantile that is below the threshold, attr(object, "inputs")$u. That is, no element of p can be less than the value of predict.evpost(object, type = "q", x = attr(object, "inputs")$u).

    If x is not supplied then a default value of c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975) is used.

  • type = "i" or type = "r": x is not relevant.


A numeric scalar. If type = "p" or type = "d" and x is not supplied then x_num gives the number of values in x for each value in n_years.


A numeric vector. Values of NN.


A numeric scalar. The (mean) number of observations per year. Setting this appropriately is important. See Details.


A numeric vector of values in (0, 100). Only relevant when type = "i". Levels of predictive intervals for the largest value observed in NN years, i.e. level% predictive intervals are returned.


A logical scalar. Only relevant when type = "i".

If hpd = FALSE then the interval is equi-tailed, with its limits produced by
predict.evpost(object, type ="q", x = p), where p = c((1-level/100)/2, (1+level/100)/2).

If hpd = TRUE then, in addition to the equi-tailed interval, the shortest possible level% interval is calculated. If the predictive distribution is unimodal then this is a highest predictive density (HPD) interval.


A logical scalar. Only relevant when type = "p" or type = "q". If TRUE (default), (output or input) probabilities are P[Xx]P[X \leq x], otherwise, P[X>x]P[X > x].


A logical scalar. Only relevant when type = "d". If TRUE the log-density is returned.


A numeric scalar. Only relevant when type = "q". An initial upper bound for the desired quantiles to be passed to uniroot (its argument upper) in the search for the predictive quantiles. If this is not sufficiently large then it is increased until it does provide an upper bound.


Additional optional arguments. At present no optional arguments are used.


The function predict.evpost in the revdbayes package is used to perform the predictive inferences. The effect of adjusting for the values of the extremal index θ\theta in the posterior sample in object$sim_vals[, "theta"] is to change the effective time horizon from NN to θN\theta N.

ny provides information about the (intended) frequency of sampling in time, that is, the number of observations that would be observed in a year if there are no missing values. If the number of observations may vary between years then ny should be set equal to the mean number of observations per year.

Supplying ny. The value of ny may have been set in the call to blite. If ny is supplied by the user in the call to predict.blite then this will be used in preference to the value stored in the fitted model object. If these two values differ then no warning will be given.


An object of class "evpred", a list containing a subset of the following components:


The argument type supplied to predict.blite. Which of the following components are present depends type.


A matrix containing the argument x supplied to predict.blite, or set within predict.blite if x was not supplied, replicated to have n_years columns if necessary. Only present if type is "p", "d" or "q".


The content of y depends on type:

  • type = "p", "d", "q": A matrix with the same dimensions as x. Contains distribution function values (type = "p"), predictive density (type = "d") or quantiles (type = "q").

  • type = "r": A numeric matrix with length(n_years) columns and number of rows equal to the size of the posterior sample.

  • type = "i": y is not present.


A length(n_years)*length(level) by 4 numeric matrix containing the equi-tailed limits with columns: lower limit, upper limit, n_years, level. Only present if type = "i". If an interval extends below the threshold then NA is returned.


A matrix with the same structure as long containing the HPD limits. Only present if type = "i". Columns 1 and 2 contain NAs if hpd = FALSE or if the corresponding equi-tailed interval extends below the threshold.

The arguments n_years, level, hpd, lower_tail, log supplied to predict.blite are also included, as is the value of ny and model = "bingp".


### Cheeseboro wind gusts

cdata <- exdex::cheeseboro
# Each column of the matrix cdata corresponds to data from a different year
# blite() sets cluster automatically to correspond to column (year)
cpost <- blite(cdata, u = 45, k = 3, ny = 31 * 24)

# Interval estimation
predict(cpost, hpd = TRUE)$short

# Density function
plot(predict(cpost, type = "d", n_years = c(100, 1000)))

# Distribution function
plot(predict(cpost, type = "p", n_years = c(100, 1000)))

# Quantiles
predict(cpost, type = "q", n_years = c(100, 1000))$y

# Random generation
plot(predict(cpost, type = "r"))

Frequentist threshold-based inference for return levels


Calculates point estimates and confidence intervals for m-year return levels for stationary time series fitted extreme value model objects returned from flite. Two types of interval may be returned: (a) intervals based on approximate large-sample normality of the maximum likelihood estimator for return level, which are symmetric about the point estimate, and (b) profile likelihood-based intervals based on an (adjusted) log-likelihood.


  m = 100,
  level = 0.95,
  prof = TRUE,
  inc = 1/100,
  type = c("vertical", "cholesky", "spectral", "none")



An object inheriting from class "flite" returned from flite.


A numeric scalar. The return period, in years.


A numeric scalar in (0, 1). The confidence level required for confidence interval for the m-year return level.


A numeric scalar. The (mean) number of observations per year. Setting this appropriately is important. See Details.


A logical scalar. Should we calculate intervals based on profile log-likelihood?


A numeric scalar in (0, 1/2]. Only relevant if prof = TRUE. The increment, a fraction of the length of the symmetric confidence interval for the m-year return level, by which we move upwards and downwards from the MLE for the return level in the search for the lower and upper confidence limits.


A character scalar. The argument type to the function returned by the function adjust_loglik, that is, the type of adjustment made to the independence log-likelihood function in creating an adjusted log-likelihood function. See Details and Value in adjust_loglik.


For information about return levels see the "Introducing lite" vignette.

ny provides information about the (intended) frequency of sampling in time, that is, the number of observations that would be observed in a year if there are no missing values. If the number of observations may vary between years then ny should be set equal to the mean number of observations per year.

Supplying ny. The value of ny may have been set in the call to flite. If ny is supplied by the user in the call to returnLevel then this will be used in preference to the value stored in the fitted model object. If these two values differ then no warning will be given.

For details of the definition and estimation of return levels see the Inference for return levels vignette.

The profile likelihood-based intervals are calculated by reparameterising in terms of the m-year return level and estimating the values at which the (adjusted) profile log-likelihood reaches the critical value logLik(x) - 0.5 * stats::qchisq(level, 1). This is achieved by calculating the profile log-likelihood for a sequence of values of this return level as governed by inc. Once the profile log-likelihood drops below the critical value the lower and upper limits are estimated by interpolating linearly between the cases lying either side of the critical value. The smaller inc the more accurate (but slower) the calculation will be.


A object (a list) of class "returnLevel", "lite" with the components

rl_sym, rl_prof

Named numeric vectors containing the respective lower 100level% limit, the MLE and the upper 100level% limit for the return level. If prof = FALSE then rl_prof will be missing.


Estimated standard error of the return level.

max_loglik, crit, for_plot

If prof = TRUE then these components will be present, containing respectively: the maximised log-likelihood; the critical value and a matrix with return levels in the first column (ret_levs) and the corresponding values of the (adjusted) profile log-likelihood (prof_loglik).

m, level

The input values of m and level.


The value of ny used to infer the return level.


The call to returnLevel.


Coles, S. G. (2001) An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, Springer-Verlag, London. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3675-0_3

See Also

returnLevelMethods, including plotting the (adjusted) profile log-likelihood for a return level.


### Cheeseboro wind gusts

# Make inferences
cdata <- exdex::cheeseboro
# Each column of the matrix cdata corresponds to data from a different year
# flite() sets cluster automatically to correspond to column (year)
cfit <- flite(cdata, u = 45, k = 3)

# These data are hourly for one month (January) year so ny = 31 * 24
# Large inc set here for speed, sacrificing accuracy
# Default 95% confidence intervals
rl <- returnLevel(cfit, inc = 1 / 10, ny = 31 * 24)
oldrl <- plot(rl)

# Quickly recalculate/replot the intervals based on profile log-likelihood
# provided that level is smaller than that used to produce rl
newrl <- plot(rl, level = 0.9)

Methods for objects of class "returnLevel"


Methods for objects of class "returnLevel" returned from returnLevel.


## S3 method for class 'returnLevel'
plot(x, level = NULL, legend = TRUE, digits = 3, plot = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'returnLevel'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

## S3 method for class 'returnLevel'
summary(object, digits, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.returnLevel'
print(x, ...)



an object of class c("returnLevel", "lite"), a result of a call to returnLevel, using prof = TRUE.


A numeric scalar in (0, 1). The confidence level required for the confidence interval for the m-year return level. If level is not supplied then x$level is used. level must be no larger than x$level.


A logical scalar. Should we add a legend (in the top right of the plot) that gives the approximate values of the MLE and 100level% confidence limits?


For plot.returnLevel: an integer. Passed to signif to round the values in the legend.

For print.returnLevel: the argument digits to print.default.

For summary.returnLevel: an integer. For number formatting with signif. If digits is not specified (i.e. missing) then signif() will not be called (i.e. no rounding will be performed).


A logical scalar. If TRUE then the plot is produced. Otherwise, it is not, but the MLE and confidence limits are returned.


For plot.returnLevel: arguments passed to plot, such as graphical parameters.

For print.summary.returnLevel: arguments passed to print.default.


an object of class c("returnLevel", "lite"), a result of a call to returnLevel, using prof = TRUE.


plot.returnLevel plots the profile log-likelihood for a return level, provided that x returned by a call to returnLevel using prof = TRUE. Horizontal lines indicate the values of the maximised log-likelihood and the critical level used to calculate the confidence limits. If level is smaller than x$level then approximate 100level% confidence limits are recalculated based on the information contained in x$for_plot.

print.returnLevel prints the call to returnLevel and the estimates and 100x$level% confidence limits for the x$m-year return level.


plot.returnLevel: a numeric vector of length 3 containing the lower 100level% confidence limit, the MLE and the upper 100level% confidence limit is returned invisibly.

print.returnLevel: the argument x is returned, invisibly.

summary.returnLevel: a list containing the list element object$call and a matrix matrix containing the MLE and estimated SE of the return level.

print.summary.returnLevel: the argument x is returned, invisibly.


See returnLevel.

See Also

returnLevel to perform frequentist threshold-based inference for return levels.