1. anscombiser::anscombe1
    Anscombe's Quartet Separated
  2. anscombiser::anscombe2
    Anscombe's Quartet Separated
  3. anscombiser::anscombe3
    Anscombe's Quartet Separated
  4. anscombiser::anscombe4
    Anscombe's Quartet Separated
  5. anscombiser::input1
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  6. anscombiser::input2
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  7. anscombiser::input3
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  8. anscombiser::input4
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  9. anscombiser::input5
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  10. anscombiser::input6
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  11. anscombiser::input7
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  12. anscombiser::input8
    Input datasets for use by anscombise()
  13. anscombiser::trump
    Donald Trump
    matrix|4885 x 2
  14. bang::coagulation
    Coagulation time data
  15. bang::pump
    Pump-failure data
  16. bang::rat
    Rat tumor data
  17. bang::temp1
    Mid 21st Century Global Temperature Projection Data
  18. bang::temp2
    Late 21st Century Global Temperature Projection Data
  19. bang::weight_gain
    Weight Gained by Rats
  20. chandwich::owtemps
    Oxford and Worthing annual maximum temperatures
  21. chandwich::rats
    Rat tumor data
  22. exdex::cheeseboro
    Cheeseboro hourly maximum wind gusts
    matrix|744 x 10
  23. exdex::newlyn
    Newlyn sea surges
  24. exdex::sp500
    Daily log returns of the Standard and Poor (S&P) 500 index
  25. exdex::uccle
    Uccle maximum daily temperatures
  26. exdex::uccle720
    20th century Uccle maximum daily temperatures in July - data frame
  27. exdex::uccle720m
    20th century Uccle maximum daily temperatures in July - matrix
    matrix|31 x 100
  28. fExtremes::bmwRet
    Time Series Data Sets
  29. fExtremes::danishClaims
    Time Series Data Sets
  30. gamlssx::fremantle
    Annual Maximum Sea Levels at Fremantle, Western Australia
  31. lax::ow
    Oxford and Worthing annual maximum temperatures
  32. revdbayes::gom
    Storm peak significant wave heights from the Gulf of Mexico
  33. revdbayes::newlyn
    Newlyn sea surges
  34. revdbayes::oxford
    Annual Maximum Temperatures at Oxford
  35. revdbayes::portpirie
    Annual Maximum Sea Levels at Port Pirie, South Australia
  36. revdbayes::rainfall
    Daily Aggregate Rainfall
  37. revdbayes::venice
    Largest Sea Levels in Venice
  38. threshr::gom
    Storm peak significant wave heights from the Gulf of Mexico
  39. threshr::ns
    Storm peak significant wave heights from the North Sea